Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 1 Log Set Complete (20006378) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1A Log Rear F1 (20006330) +$Call to Order
QTY: 1B Log Right Front F2 (20006331) +$116.74
QTY: 1C Log Left Front F3 (20006332) +$90.31
QTY: 1D Log Top Right F4 (20006333) +$49.61
QTY: 1E Log Top Middle F5 (20006334) +$71.81
QTY: 1F Log Top Left F6 (20006335) +$49.61
QTY: 1G Small Lava Rock (57897K) +$42.79
QTY: 1H Volcanic Rocks ~Old Part #s 20000376, 00F0540~ (SRV00F0540) +$47.87
QTY: 1I Glowing Embers ~Old Part #s 5219, 5219K ~ (81D2509K) +$30.02
QTY: 1J Restrictor Plate ~Old Part #20005817~ (20005817K) +$59.17
QTY: 2 Andiron Assembly (20006491) +$83.85
QTY: 3 Fettle (20005977) +$79.89
QTY: 4 Refractory Set Complete (20006384) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 4A Rear Refractory Lower (20005824) +$Call to Order
QTY: 4B Rear Refractory Upper (20005825) +$Call to Order
QTY: 4C Right Side Refractory (20005826) +$Call to Order
QTY: 4D Left Side Refractory (20005827) +$Call to Order
QTY: 4E Left Lower Refractory (20005876) +$Call to Order
QTY: 4F Right Lower Refractory (20005879) +$Call to Order
QTY: 5 Spring Latch Assembly (20005788K) +$Call to Order
QTY: 6 Burner Housing Assembly (20005834) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 6 Ceramic Burner Tile Single 4 (10002165) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 6 Burner End Gaskets (10002517) +$27.32
QTY: 6 Burner Main Gasket (20005814) +$Call to Order
QTY: 7 Burner Tube Assembly (20005884) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 8 Manifold Tubing Assembly (20005852) +$89.42
QTY: 9A Front Orifice 52 [0.635IN] Natural Gas (30000331) +$13.01
QTY: 9B Front Orifice 57 [0.043IN] Propane (20004587) +$23.35
QTY: 10A Middle Orifice 56 [0.0465IN] Natural Gas (30000336) +$13.01
QTY: 10B Middle Orifice 63 [0.037IN] Propane (20006251) +$15.06
QTY: 11A Rear Orifice 28 [0.1405IN] Natural Gas (20006173) +$41.88
QTY: 11B Rear Orifice 49 [0.073IN] Propane (20006252) +$Call to Order
QTY: 12D Valve 24Volt NOVA SIT 0.822.631 EP (37D0017) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 13A Pilot Assembly 3-Way N/DV Top Convertible RN [recommend using High Temperature Red Silicone] (20006144) *No Longer Available* [can replace Thermopile [20006148] and Thermocouple [SRV20006149] and reuse the existing Bracket and Electrode] +$*0.00*
QTY: 13B Pilot Assembly 3-Way N/DV Top Convertible RP [recommend using High Temperature Red Silicone] (20006145) *No Longer Available* [can replace Thermopile [20006148] and Thermocouple [SRV20006149] and reuse the existing Bracket and Electrode] +$*0.00*
QTY: 13C Pilot Assembly 3-Way N/DV Top Convertible -EN (20006146) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 13D Pilot Assembly 3-Way Top Convertible EP (20006147) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 13E High Temperature Red Silicone (70AW) +$12.79
QTY: 14 Thermopile (20006148) +$298.72
QTY: 15 Thermocouple ~Old Part #20006149~ (SRV20006149) +$83.17
QTY: 16A-Electrode Igniter RN/RP (20006150) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 16B Electrode Igniter EN/EP (20008059) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 17 Sensing Electrode EN/EP (20006151) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 18 Transformer ~Old Part #s 7522409, 022788~ (SRV022788) +$240.07
QTY: 19 Igniter Module Honeywell S8600B1025 (20000005) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 20 Glass Frame Assembly (20012240) +$792.15
QTY: 21 Knob Extension Pilot/STAT ~Old Part #37D0010~ (SRV37D0010) +$32.76
QTY: 22 Knob Extension Hi/Low ~Old Part #37D0011~ (SRV37D0011) +$32.69
QTY: 23 Pilot Indicator (20005908) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 24 Igniter Module ~Old Part #45D0077~ (SRV45D0077) +$81.90
QTY: 25 Pilot Indicator Plug (20006250) +$Call to Order
QTY: 27 Spark Cable Connection (20005807) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 28A Outer Pipe Aluminum Foil Tape (20006169) +$Call to Order
QTY: 28B Inner Pipe Aluminum Foil Tape (20008253) +$Call to Order
QTY: 29 Plate Restrictor (20006757) +$Call to Order
QTY: 30 Milpack Tube ~Old Part # 28D0148~ (28D0148K) +$78.09
QTY: 31 DVT44RN & EN Natural Gas to Propane Conversion Kit (20006414) +$Call to Order
QTY: 32 DVT44RP & EP Propane to Natural Gas Conversion Kit (20006412) +$Call to Order
QTY: 33 Glass Frame Screw (20006471) +$12.65
QTY: 34 Flexible Connector 60IN (20006284) +$Call to Order
QTY: 35 Orifice Holder [3 per unit, each sold separately] (20010712) +$Call to Order