Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 1 Log Set (20010671) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1A Log Front Left (20010673) +$Call to Order
QTY: 1B Log Front Right (20010672) +$Call to Order
QTY: 1C Log Rear (20010675) +$Call to Order
QTY: 1E Log Top Right (20010676) +$Call to Order
QTY: 1G Log Top Center (20010677) +$Call to Order
QTY: 1H Log Overlay (20010674) +$35.40
QTY: 1I Volcanic Rock ~Old Part #s 20000376, 00F0540~ (SRV00F0540) +$47.87
QTY: 1J Ember ~Old Part #51915K ~ (58D0443) +$11.68
QTY: 3A Burner Housing Assembly Natural Gas (20011467) +$415.81
QTY: 3B Burner Housing Assembly Propane (20011322) +$Call to Order
QTY: 4 Burner Tube Assembly (20010580) +$Call to Order
QTY: 5 Ceramic Tile Single ~Old Part #57803~ (SRV57803) recommend replacing a new Gasket. the Gasket will Need to be custom cut. Gasket Part #CFPAP 1/2-48-65-1. +$41.52
QTY: 6 Manifold Assembly (20010601) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 10 Glass [Gasket sold separately] ~Old Part #20002623~ (20002623K) +$383.92
QTY: 11 Glass Gasket [12ft per package] ~Old Part #10000992, 10000992K ~ (10000992K/12) +$136.53
QTY: 12 Window Metal Frame Only (20003710) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 12A Frame Window with Glass [for Glass Only use Part #20002623K] (20002622) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 13 Clamp Frame Window (54174) +$19.43
QTY: 14 Trim Frame Window (57483K) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 15 Louver Assembly Top (10000039) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 16 Louver Assembly Bottom (10000040) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 17-Hinge (52356) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 18 Deflector Top ~Old Part # 54364~ (54364K) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 19 Propane Gas Valve Conversion Pin-Honeywell [Red Screw] (20000550) +$238.74
QTY: 21 Fettle (20010490) +$99.71
QTY: 22A Orifice Front Burner Propane (20010935) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 22A-1 Orifice Hollow Hex (54672) +$41.99
QTY: 22B Orifice Front Burner Natural Gas (20007347) +$40.88
QTY: 22C Orifice Rear Burner Propane (20000130) +$13.01
QTY: 22C-1 Orifice Hollow Hex (50701) +$41.98
QTY: 22D Orifice Hood Rear Natural Gas (30000512) +$41.88
QTY: 23 Switch On/Off (51842) +$48.29
QTY: 24A-Honeywell to SIT Gas Valve Conversion Kit LP [Kit includes: Valve, Valve Bracket, Piezo, Piezo Bracket & Hardware] ~Old Part #10001752~ (20010684) +$448.97
QTY: 24B-Honeywell to SIT Gas Valve Conversion Kit Propane Gas [Kit includes: Valve, Valve Bracket, Piezo, Piezo Bracket & Hardware] ~Old Part #10001759~ (20010680) +$371.84
QTY: 26A 3-Way Top Convertible Pilot Assembly NG-SIT [includes: Thermopile, Thermocouple, Pilot, Pilot Tube & Electrode with Wire] ~Old Part #10002264~ (SRV10002264) +$159.68
QTY: 26B Pilot Assembly 3-Way Propane Gas [SIT] ~Old Part #10002265~ (SRV10002265) +$159.68
QTY: 27 Electrode Igniter with Cable (10001297) +$32.69
QTY: 28 Nut Electrode [Sensing Electrode Nut Only] (57886)*No Longer Available* [can Sub pilot assembly 37D0018K] +$*0.00*
QTY: 29 Pilot Tube with Fittings SIT (26D0665) +$32.76
QTY: 30 Thermocouple 24 Inches SIT Millivolt ~Old Part #24D0808~ (SRV24D0808) +$55.36
QTY: 31 Cable Igniter RN/RP 1 ~Old Part # 53194~ (7522432) +$15.59
QTY: 33 Pilot Top Convertible [can Sub SRV10002264-NG or SRV10002265-LP] (10002266) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 35A Pilot Injector [Orifice] [Screw-In] Top Convertible Natural Gas #62 SIT (37D0022) +$19.61
QTY: 35B Pilot Injector [Orifice] [Screw-In] Top Convertible Propane #35 (37D0023) +$34.21
QTY: 38 Fan & Bracket Sub FK12 & reuse Bracket [FK 24 Option] ~Old Part #54103~ (FK24) +$583.05
QTY: 39 Electrical Cord [6 ft] ~Old Part #s 51865, 26D0619~ (SRV26D0619) +$59.17
QTY: 40 Fan Temperature Sensor ~Old Part #51704~ (SRV51704) +$47.87
QTY: 41 Speed Control ~Old Part #51738 (SRV51738) +$95.88
QTY: 42 Speed Control Knob (51882) +$26.61
QTY: 43 Remote Switch Kit Switch Wire & Bracket (53875) +$67.64
QTY: 48 Firestop (52523) +$Call to Order
QTY: 49 Zero Clearance Sleeve (54623) +$27.35
QTY: 50 Plate Cover Air Inlet Assembly (20002461) +$Call to Order
QTY: 51 Gasket Plate Air Inlet (10002499) +$Call to Order
QTY: 52 Flue Cover Plate (10002298) +$18.73
QTY: 53 Flue Cover Gasket (10002233) +$11.18
QTY: 54 Flue Pipe Assembly (10004933) +$Call to Order
QTY: 55 Gasket Plate Cover Flue Pipe (10002237) +$17.01
QTY: 56 Antenna HW 395783-1 RFN/RFP Valve (20003561) +$68.25
QTY: 57A RFN Valve Natural Gas [RFN Honeywell to RCSITEA Retrofit] [includes: Valve, Valve Stepper, Pilot Assembly, Remote, Control Center & Regulator] ~Old Part #s 20003719, 20301080~ (20301078) +$998.82
QTY: 57B RFP Valve Propane [Honeywell Comfort Control Gas Valve to SIT Retrofit Gas Valve] [includes: Valve, Valve Stepper, Pilot Assembly, Remote, Control Center & Regulator] ~Old Part #20003720~ (20301079) +$998.82
QTY: 59A Orifice Pilot Hood-NG-PSE Honeywell [FITS between the Pilot Assembly and the Pilot Tube] (20000908) +$15.06
QTY: 59B Orifice Pilot Hood-LP-PSE Honeywell [FITS between the Pilot Assembly and the Pilot Tube] (20000907) +$29.06
QTY: 60A Pilot Assembly Natural Gas [3-Way] RF (20002266) +$313.84
QTY: 60B Pilot Assembly Propane [3-Way] RF [NG Gas] [MUST ORDER Propane Orifice to convert to Propane Gas] (20002268) *No Longer Available* [this Pilot Assembly Only comes NG, use Part #20002266, must Add 20000907 Propane Orifice to convert to LP] +$*0.00*
QTY: 60C Orifice Pilot Hood-LP-PSE Honeywell [FITS between the Pilot Assembly and the Pilot Tube] (20000907) +$29.06
QTY: 61-Transmitter Honeywell [Remote] [Can upgrade to 20301078 Natural Gas or 20301079 LP] (20002047) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 61A Transmitter Natural Gas [Honeywell Comfort Control Gas Valve to SIT Retrofit Gas Valve] [includes: Valve, Valve Stepper, Pilot Assembly, Remote, Control Center & Regulator] (20301078) +$998.82
QTY: 61B Transmitter Propane Gas [Honeywell Comfort Control Gas Valve to SIT Retrofit Gas Valve] [includes: Valve, Valve Stepper, Pilot Assembly, Remote, Control Center & Regulator] (20301079) +$998.82
QTY: 63 Pilot Tube Long with Fittings [Universal] (10003279) +$32.69
QTY: 64 Refractory Bay 39 Set (10000506) +$Call to Order
QTY: 65A SIT Regulator Head NG ~Old Part #37D0024~ (230-1570) +$54.05
QTY: 65B SIT Regulator Head Propane (37D0025) +$70.64
QTY: 66 Bracket Rear Log (20010622) +$Call to Order
QTY: 67 Gasket Assembly Burner Base (10006154) +$Call to Order
QTY: 68 Plate Relief with Gasket Assembly (10002429K) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 69 Transformer ~Old Part #s 7522409, 022788~ (SRV022788) +$240.07
QTY: 70A Igniter Module Honeywell EN/EP (20000005) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 70B Ignition Control Synetek [EN] (10007940) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 72A Pilot Assembly SIT Top Convertible EN (10002387) +$155.77
QTY: 72B Pilot Assembly SIT Top Convertible EP (10002388) *No Longer Available* [can Sub (1) 10002387 together with (1) 37D0023] +$*0.00*
QTY: 73 Sensing Electrode with Cable EN/EP (57885) +$38.98
QTY: 74 Wire Harness Honeywell EN/EP (57899) +$Call to Order
QTY: 75 Tubing 3/8 IN OD Aluminum (20010564) +$20.18
QTY: 76 Nut 3/8 ID Brass Compression (7523136) +$11.18
QTY: 77 Wire Harness [EN] Synetek [Low Voltage] (10008139) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 78 Wire Harness [EN] Synetek (10008140) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 79 Electrical Cord [6 ft] Ignition Control (10008298) +$35.73
QTY: 80 Baffle Firebox Assembly (10007351) +$Call to Order
QTY: 81 Deflector Firebox (10006284) +$Call to Order
QTY: 82 Insulation Rear (20003129) +$Call to Order
QTY: 83 RN/EN/RFN Natural to Propane Conversion (20010752) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 84 RP/EP/RFP Propane to Natural Conversion [Fits SIT Gas Valve Only] (20010751) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 85 Rear Vent Firestop Plate (52523) +$Call to Order
QTY: 86 Zero Clearance Sleeve (54623) +$27.35
QTY: 87 Cover Ignition Module (10008350) +$42.26