For the following units: GFNR6J0, GFZR6J0, GFSR6J0, GFYR6J0
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 1 Log Set (20012573) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1A Top Front Log (20012599) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1B Front Log ~Old Part # 20012600~ (20012573) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1C Rear Log (20012597) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1D Top Right Log (20012595) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1E Top Center Log (20012598) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1F Left Log (20012596) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1G Volcanic Rock ~Old Part #s 20000376, 00F0540~ (SRV00F0540) +$47.87
QTY: 1H Rockwool ~Old Part # 51915~ (58D0443) +$11.68
QTY: 2 Rear Log Bracket (20013027) +$Call to Order
QTY: 3 Fettle (20010490) +$99.71
QTY: 4 Burner Housing NG (10009958) +$Call to Order
QTY: 5 Burner Tube (20010580) +$Call to Order
QTY: 6 Burner Tray Gasket (20012436) +$Call to Order
QTY: 7 Ceramic Burner Tile [4 per unit, each sold separately] ~Old Part # 57803~ (SRV57803) +$41.52
QTY: 8 Ceramic Panel [Rear] (10010345) +$Call to Order
QTY: 9 Ceramic Panel [Left Side] (10010346) +$Call to Order
QTY: 10 Ceramic Panel [Right Side] (10010347) +$Call to Order
QTY: 11 Door (20012449) +$Call to Order
QTY: 12 Clamp Frame Window [2 per unit, each sold separately] (54174) *No Longer Available* +$19.43
QTY: 13 Top Louver (20011867) +$Call to Order
QTY: 14 Bottom Louver (20011868) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 15 Pivot Bracket (20012232) +$13.10
QTY: 16 Hood (20011877) +$Call to Order
QTY: 18A RFN Valve Natural Gas [RFN Honeywell to RCSITEA Retrofit] [includes: Valve, Valve Stepper, Pilot Assembly, Remote, Control Center & Regulator] ~Old Part # 20003719~ (20301078) +$998.82
QTY: 18B RFP Valve Propane [Honeywell Comfort Control Gas Valve to SIT Retrofit Gas Valve] [includes: Valve, Valve Stepper, Pilot Assembly, Remote, Control Center & Regulator] ~Old Part # 20003720~ (20301079) +$998.82
QTY: 19 Valve AF-4010 (20013151) +$238.00
QTY: 20 Main Module (20011895) +$296.15
QTY: 22 Wire Harness AF-4000 (20012258) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 23A 3-Way Top Convertible Pilot Assembly NG SIT [includes: Thermopile, Thermocouple, Pilot, Pilot Tube and Electrode W/Wire] ~Old Part # 10002264~ (SRV10002264) +$159.68
QTY: 23A 3-Way Top Convertible Pilot Assembly LP SIT [includes: Thermopile, Thermocouple, Pilot, Pilot Tube and Electrode W/Wire] ~Old Part # 10002265~ (SRV10002265) +$159.68
QTY: 23B 3-Way Pilot Assembly -DV Honeywell RFN NG [includes: Two Thermopoles, Pilot Tube, Electrode W/Wire, Orifice and Pilot Hood] (20002266) +$313.84
QTY: 23B 3-Way Pilot Assembly -DV Honeywell RFP LP [includes: Two Thermopoles, Pilot Tube, Electrode W/Wire, Orifice and Pilot Hood] [MUST ORDER 20002266 and Add LP Pilot Orifice 20000907 to convert to LP] (20002268) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 23C Pilot Assembly 3-Way EN Top Convertible (10002387) +$155.77
QTY: 23C Pilot Assembly 3-Way EP Top Convertible ~Old Part # 10002388~ [MUST ALSO PURCHASE SRV200-2630] (10002387) +$155.77
QTY: 24A Screw In Pilot Injector [Orifice] Top Convertible NG #65 [SIT] ~Old Part # 10002268~ (37D0022) +$19.61
QTY: 24B Screw In Pilot Injector [Orifice] Top Convertible LP #35 [SIT] ~Old Part # 10002269~ (37D0023) +$34.21
QTY: 25A Pilot Orifice Hood NG Honeywell PSE [FITS between the Pilot Assembly and the Pilot Tube] (20000908) +$15.06
QTY: 25B Pilot Orifice Hood LP Honeywell PSE [FITS between the Pilot Assembly and the Pilot Tube] (20000907) +$29.06
QTY: 26 Pilot Bracket Top Convertible NG ~Old Part # 10002266~ (SRV10002264) +$159.68
QTY: 28 Electrode Igniter with Cable (10001297) +$32.69
QTY: 29 Nut Electrode (57886) *No Longer Available* [can Sub pilot assembly 37D0018K] +$*0.00*
QTY: 30 Pilot Tube SIT ~Old Part # 10001296~ (26D0665) +$32.76
QTY: 31 Thermocouple 24 Inch ~Old Part #S 53373, 24D0808~ (SRV24D0808) +$55.36
QTY: 32 Electrode Igniter with Cable 24 Inch ~Old Part # 53194~ (10001297) +$32.69
QTY: 35 Tubing Pilot with Fitting (10003279) +$32.69
QTY: 36A Orifice Front Burner LP #66 (55143) +$40.88
QTY: 36B Orifice Front Burner NG #57 (20002409) +$41.99
QTY: 36C Orifice Rear Burner LP #54 [DVB4136IP/RP] (20002150) +$41.98
QTY: 36D Orifice Rear Burner LP #53 [DVB4136IP] (54833) +$41.99
QTY: 36E Orifice Rear Burner NG #41 [DVB4136RFN] (20004801) +$41.88
QTY: 36F Orifice Rear Burner NG #39 [DVB4136 Inches/RN] (20013150) +$Call to Order
QTY: 37A Regulator LP ~Old Part # 10001007~ (37D0025) +$70.64
QTY: 37B Regulator NG ~Old Part # 10001006~ (37D0024) +$57.58
QTY: 38 Transmitter Honeywell RF [MUST PURCHASE A RFN/RFP Retrofit Kit to GET A new Remote] (20002047) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 39 Electric Cord Set (20002541) +$35.44
QTY: 40 Antenna (20003561) +$68.25
QTY: 41 Blower Wire Harness 6FT ~Old Part #s 51865, 26D0619~ (SRV26D0619) +$59.17
QTY: 42 Fan and Bracket ~Old Part # 54103~ (FK24) +$583.05
QTY: 43 Sensor Temperature Fan Switch ~Old Part # 51704~ (SRV51704) +$47.87
QTY: 44 Switch Fan Speed Control ~Old Part # 51738~ (SRV51738) +$95.88
QTY: 45 Knob Black (51882) +$26.61
QTY: 46 Switch Wall On/Off (51842) +$48.29
QTY: 47 Flue Cover (20011858) +$Call to Order
QTY: 48 Plate Cover Flue (10002298) +$18.73
QTY: 49 Gasket Flue Cover (20011829) +$Call to Order
QTY: 50 Gasket Plate Cover Air Inlet (10002233) +$11.18
QTY: 51 Gasket Flue Plate (20011830) +$Call to Order
QTY: 52 Flue Pipe Assembly (20011826) +$Call to Order
QTY: 53 Gasket Plate Cover Flue (10002237) +$17.01
QTY: 54 Plate Relief with Gasket Assembly ~Old Part # 10002429~ (10002429K) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 55 Outer Collar Assembly (20011865) +$Call to Order
QTY: 56 Plate Relief with Gasket ~Old Part # 10004192~ (10004192K) +$151.16
QTY: 57 Plate Firestop Rear Vent ~Old Part # 52523~ (52523K) +$41.52
QTY: 58 Zero Clearance Sleeve (54623) +$27.35
QTY: 59 Sensing Electrode with Cable (57885) +$38.98
QTY: 60 Tubing 3/8 OD Aluminum (20010564) +$20.18
QTY: 61 Nut Electrode (7523136) +$11.18
QTY: 62 Remote Switch Kit (53875) +$67.64
QTY: 63 Deflector Front Burner (57958) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 64 Air Shutter NG (20000129) +$69.83
QTY: 65 Air Shutter LP (20000680) +$23.35
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 66 Fan with Cord (FK12) +$405.80
QTY: 67 Heat Activated Fan On/Off Variable Speed with Rheostat (FK24) +$583.05
QTY: 68 Tubing Manifold with FIT (57318) +$86.98
QTY: 69 NG to LP Conversion Kit (20013166) +$298.71
QTY: 70 LP to NG Conversion Kit (20013165) +$Call to Order
QTY: 71 Baffle Firebox Assembly (10007351) +$Call to Order
QTY: 72 Pin Clevis (10008615) +$13.10
QTY: 73 Clip Pin Hitch (10008616) +$13.10
QTY: 74 Air Deflector (20014197) +$Call to Order
QTY: 75 Remote On/Off ~Old Part # RC1~ (SKY-1001-A) +$176.00
QTY: 76 Owners Manual [hard copy] (OMHC-VC) +$9.99
QTY: 77 Owners Manual [electronic copy] (OMEL-VC) +$0.00