Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 1B Valve Electronic Propane (37D0017) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 2A Pilot Electronic Natural Gas ~Old Part #s 37D0020, SRV37D0020~ (SRV4121-167) +$313.84
QTY: 2B Pilot Electronic Propane ~Old Part # 37D0021~ (SRV4121-168) +$348.64
QTY: 2C Thermocouple 24 Inches SIT Millivolt ~Old Part #24D0808~ (SRV24D0808) +$55.36
QTY: 2C Pilot Tube with Fittings SIT (26D0665) +$32.76
QTY: 3 Valve/Burner Tube (62D4052K) +$40.25
QTY: 4 Flexhose with Shut-Off ~Old Part #69D0030~ (69D0030K) +$99.34
QTY: 5 On/Off Rocker Switch Millivolt & Electronic ~Old Part #41D0048~ (SRV41D0048) +$38.98
QTY: 6 Piezo Igniter ~Old Part #14D0503~ (SRV14D0503) +$30.02
QTY: 7A Injector Natural Gas 41 ~Old Part #62D3004~ (SRV62D3004) +$32.76
QTY: 7B Injector Propane 53 ~Old Part #20H3143~ (SRV20H3143) +$32.69
QTY: 8 Burner Assembly (54D0001K) +$108.58
QTY: 9B Venturi with Gasket and Screws Electronic (45D0059) +$Call to Order
QTY: Electrode with Wire Millivolt (10001297) +$32.69
QTY: 10 Wire Harness [Female] Millivolt & Electronic ~Old Part #44D0500~ (SRV44D0500) +$38.98
QTY: 10 Wire Harness [Male] Millivolt & Electronic (44D0501) +$27.35
QTY: 10 Ignition Module ~Old Part #37D0325~ (SRV37D0325) +$325.44
QTY: Wire Assembly ~Old Part #54D2007~ (SRV54D2007) +$75.55
QTY: 11 Transformer ~Old Part #022788~ (SRV022788) +$240.07
QTY: Engine Kit Electronic Natural Gas (SBV400NEAK) +$Call to Order
QTY: Engine Kit Electronic Propane (SBV400PEAK) +$Call to Order
QTY: Junction Box (26D0742) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 1 Screen Panels ~Old Part #61D0001~ (SRV61D0001) +$81.90
QTY: Screen Rods (26D0132K) +$47.87
QTY: Reducer (62D3000) +$90.09
QTY: Spill Switch (073746) +$109.85
QTY: Face Assembly (61D0023K) +$Call to Order
QTY: Refractory Assembly (62D1008K) +$Call to Order
QTY: 2 Refractory Brick-Sides (61D0101K) +$382.70
QTY: 3 Refractory Brick Rear (61D0102K) +$460.66
QTY: 4B Refractory Floor Middle (62D1016K) +$108.35
QTY: 4A Refractory Floor Left (62D1015K) +$102.75
QTY: 4C Refractory Floor Right (62D1017K) +$119.56
QTY: Refractory Spacers 4 (61D0050K) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: Refractory Brackets (61D0040K) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: Log Set ~Old Part #54D0105~ (54D0105K) +$136.37
QTY: 1L Rear Log (54D0181K) +$249.17
QTY: 2L Right Log (54D0116K) +$102.75
QTY: 3L Left Log (54D0115K) +$101.35
QTY: Lava Rock ~Old Part #00F0540~ (SRV00F0540) +$47.87
QTY: Rockwool ~Old Part #24D1117~ (SRV24D1117) +$26.02
QTY: Owners Manual [hard copy] [62D4036] (OMHC-VC) +$9.99